Saturday, April 12, 2014


Seeking Experienced Bering Sea Gold Divers
If you have experience dredging for gold in the Bering Sea and are looking for work this upcoming Summer 2014, please send your information my way.  Come work with the Kentucky Goldenrod Crew! EXPERIENCED BERING SEA DREDGERS ONLY!
Please leave us your email and one of us will be in touch soon.    Thank you.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Seeking Experienced Bering Sea Gold Divers

If you have experience dredging for gold in the Bering Sea and are looking for work this upcoming Summer 2014, please send your information my way.  Come work with the Kentucky Goldenrod Crew! EXPERIENCED BERING SEA DREDGERS ONLY!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Long Time Has Passed

I regret that I haven't been keeping up with my blog.  After all, it is my business to do so.  Please forgive me.  There have been legitimate reasons for me not write and keep you up to speed on the goings on in Nome.  I loved being able to research and report about the dredging business in Nome!  It's exciting stuff...  There are a LOT of ups and downs in the business, and there have been many realizations on my behalf during my time researching it.

Last summer (2013) The Kentucky Boys, on their dredge Goldenrod, actually reaped reward.  I won't say how much, but that they didn't go home empty handed.  They plan to be back this coming summer and are looking forward to getting on the gold again!

The Discovery Channel's Bering Sea Gold is always so awesome to watch and so real in it's depiction of the business of dredging for gold off the coast of Nome.  Congratulations to the Pomrenke's for the incredible year they had in 2013!  From what I surmise, their payoff has been a long time coming, as they've lived and breathed the business for many years.

Not many people have what it takes to be in this business...